How to become ICF Certified and what is the Road Map to follow this?

ICF Certified Road Map - ICF Coaching Education

ICF Certified Coaching, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Parenting Coaching, Leadership Coaching and many such words have today become a buzzwords that are attracting many people fancy. Nevertheless, it’s not just the words but they have become some of the most sought after professions in the world today. Herein, we would like to explore the meaning, relevance and the step-by-step process for getting into this profession.

Why ICF Certified/Certification:

To explore more about coaching as a profession, it is equally important to first know the process, path and the road map to follow. Largely, today when someone thinks about professional coaching being practiced by a professional coach, one of the equally prominent word that you might have heard of is, ICF or International Coaching Federation. 

ICF is today recognised as a Gold Standard body that helps individuals like you to earn their certification and credentialing that gives us the credibility and recognition across the globe. Yes, when I say globe that means that ICF is the largely one of the most popular body across the globe that certifies and credentials individuals to become Professional Coaches. The certification helps the individual to earn the trust and credibility of being a professional coach. This also acts as one of the distinguishing factor for someone who is certified from a Professional Body like ICF and someone who is not.

Steps for Life Coaching Certification by International Coaching Federation (ICF):

Since Life Coaching is one of the most sought after, trendy and an upcoming profession, therefore to get into this Program requires a complete clarity and certainty. Below mentioned few steps will help you achieve that!

Step 1: Know more about Life Coaching:

In my opinion, for someone to get into the world of professional coaching, it makes sense to first know more about the industry, what is coaching, how is it different from other psychosocial processes like counselling, consulting, mentoring, teaching and psychiatry. Next check what’s the role of a coach, what is it they are expected to do and finally to ensure that this is your true calling. Many people get carried away with the super successes of few established coaches and take it as a short cut to success. This may not be true. Therefore to ensure that you are choosing the right certification, its pertinent to explore that this is truly meant for you. 

Is it something that you can personally relate to? What kind of a person you are and what attracts you in a profession? What is your ultimate goal? How does coaching resonates with your personal fulfilling life? These are few interesting self-explorative questions. For this, I’ll suggest to attend attending few webinars and also doing some self-research on this before taking the next step. Afterall, this is one of the crucial decision you are making. Cocoweave Coaching International offers free live interactive webinar on ICF Accredited Coach Training Program every Wednesday 8 PM – 9 PM (IST) and every Sunday 1 PM – 2 PM (IST) (Book Here)

Step 2: Check for ICF Accredited Training School:

Once you are clear that Coaching is your core and that is your true calling, it’s now time to choose your Training School. Although there are many options for you to pursue coaching, yet the best bet comes through ICF (International Coaching Federation) approved training schools. The reason being ICF Certification has today become like a Global Standard. Your clients are confident about your competence, confidence and credibility. Reading Books, Watching Videos, Interacting with other coaches, can be helpful but not sufficient. They cannot be a replacement to get into professional certification and credentialing process. International Coaching Federation has high rigorous standards for accrediting their training schools. 

Therefore, it’s important to ensure that you learn from the best training schools whose training standards are internationally accredited and have universal coaching competencies to work on. Cocoweave Coaching International is an ICF accredited training school that has global training standards and also offer host of additional learning opportunities that facilitates student’s learning, action and forward movement in the path of professional coaching journey. Check Out Here.

Step 3: Check the Level of Training you want to start:

As per ICF guidelines, a professional coach is required to undergo specific hours of Professional training also called as Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) before launching yourself as a ICF Certified Coach. For this, International Coaching Federation offers training at three levels. Level-1 is referred as Associate Certified coach requires you to undergo minimum of 60 ACSTH. Level-2 is referred as Professional Certified Coach (PCC) wherein you are required to undergo minimum of 125 ACSTH. And Level-3 training certification is referred to as Master Certified Coach Training Certification which requires a minimum of 200 ACSTH. 

Herein, it’s important to note that you can enrol either for ICF Certified Coaching Programs Level-1 (ACC Training Certification) or directly for Level-2 (PCC Training Certification) but not for Level-3 (Master Certification Training Certification). As per ICF guidelines, you need to wait for minimum of 3years and practice as a credentialed Professional Certified Coach (PCC) before you upgrade to Level-3, Master Certified Coach Training Certification.

Step 4: Check for Support System offered by Training School

Herein, comes the real test. One is plain vanilla training and other is end to end support system offered by few training schools. Therefore even if it’s a matter of choice between ICF accredited training schools check the system in totality. First and foremost is the trainer. If possible connect with the trainer who would be directly responsible for your classes. Most schools have a format that the interaction is confined to admission coordinators. This does not clarify the quality if training imparted. Next explore about the support services offered by the training school. Cocoweave Coaching International offers regular add-on Peer Practice Sessions, Client Coaching Sessions, Value added sessions, Observed coaching sessions and Marketing Training sessions. 

Yes, you read it right. They do provide Marketing Training along with your coach training program to ensure that you get an opportunity to launch yourself completely as a professional coach post your coach training certification. Therefore if you plan to take coaching as a professional career option and intend to work as a full time, part-time or an internal coach you are trained and mentored in your complete journey. In a nutshell, it is important to check the complete and authentic support system that is offered by your training school.

After working through the aforementioned steps of Exploring Coaching, Cross checking with your inner calling, checking the accreditation and authorisation of your ICF accredited training school, confirming the level you intend to start your journey and being satisfied with the quality of training imparted, experience, connectivity and knowledge of trainer, services and support system offered by the training school you are good to venture into your journey of being a Certified Professional coach. 

My word, never ever to miss your classes. Attend all your classes religiously and with complete commitment and dedication. Irrespective of the mode is training that you choose, online or onsite it is important that you show for the program. Nothing works without your passion, sincerity and commitment. Work diligently on your assignments. Participate in the class. Share your experiences and explore how best to put your learnings into practice.

Step 6: Award of Training Certification:

At the end of your learning training journey, depending on the assessment criteria of your training school, you are assessed and finally awarded with your Coach Training Certification. Your certification must include ICF logo, ICF-ACSTH logo, Name of the ICF accredited training school, Level of Program completed and the respective hours of training Certification.

Cost for Coach Training Certification:

This depends on the Training School Standards and norms. Roughly, it ranges for Level – 1 from INR 65,000 – INR 1,50,000, Level – 2 from INR 1,50,000 – 3,00,000.

ICF Certified Coach - Honey Gudh - PCC Certified 20 years of Experience - ICF Coaching Education

Today Life Coaching is the buzz word. We hear, read, watch, experience and dream about getting into a profession that is closest to our heart and gives us a joy that’s hard to describe in words. Truly, Life Coaching could be that profession for you. Coaching is one of the highest paying profession and one of the most fastest growing industry in the world. It is here to stay. But closely meant for those who enjoy doing this kind of work. So, make a choice that is wise and truly fulfilling.

Would you like to work on your self-developmental skills and make difference to the world? I invite you to join our Life Coaching Training Program at ACC level and PCC level.

This training program is ICF approved and offers 154+ hours of approved coach specific training hours, peer practice coaching, observed coaching and mentor coaching hours and has many exclusive offerings for participants.

New Batches are commencing from:

  • 28th September’2024 Online Interactive ICF Level-1 Training (ACC Level)
  • 17th October 2024 Online Interactive ICF level-2 Training (PCC Level)
  • 22nd-26th October’2024 Online/offline 5 Days Fast-Track Interactive ICF level-1 Training (ACC Level)
  • 19th-23rd November’2024 (Face to Face/online 5 Days PCC Level-2 Training Program

I offer trainings both at ACC Level and PCC level that are largely based on PURPOSE Model of Coaching that works truly students to make Transformational Leaps by tapping on their true potential both at Personal and Professional levels.

I have been in this space of learning, training, mentoring and coaching for a long time, (since 2001) and have served many international conglomerates, with resounding success, learning and growing with every experience! I share incredible coaching tools and exercises, intensive coaching library, self-assessment dashboards and toolkit to accelerate your understanding of ICF coaching competencies at each level of ACC and PCC.

I offer trainings on core coaching competencies relating each with real life examples derived from your life, creating opportunities to learn and grow with every moment that we interact. You get an opportunity to put your learnings to practice through extensive practice coaching sessions with your peers and clients and continuous observations to improvise your learnings.

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